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Results for "author_first: "Norman", author_last: "Fischer", latest_content: 1"
A Buddha in process A Buddha in process
Connection to our own suffering Connection to our own suffering
Maturity can't be hurried Maturity can't be hurried
Taking Our Places Norman Fischer on the meaning of spiritual maturity and the art of taking our place in the world.
Blaming is useless Blaming is useless
Solid Ground Sylvia Boorstein with a meditation on turning a whole day into mindfulness practices.
Solid Ground Wisdom teachings from three Buddhists on coping in difficult times.
Sailing Home Norman Fischer's guided meditation for practicing forgiveness that leads to resting in the feeling of forgiveness.
Sailing Home Uses the Odyssean journey home as a means of exploring our spiritual destiny and fulfillment.
Taking Our Places An accessible and profound overview of the essentials of spiritual maturity that enables us to grow naturally into our true selves.